Lemon Grass Events launches the 1st edition of the 35Km du Périph-Grand Paris

Open to runners and cyclists, it’s a course covering an atypical distance along the busiest road in Europe: the Paris ring road!
See you on October 2025 for this unique event.

Running race

Come and run a unique distance between a half-marathon and full marathon. Come and break through the 30km wall! Come and have fun! Come and (re)discover a unique course! Come and take part in a new vision of environmentalism and mobility!





Cycling race

Come and ride on one of the most famous roads in the world! Come and have fun! Come and (re)discover a unique course! Come and take part in a new vision of environmentalism and mobility!

Bib collection


8am – 8pm Village opens
9am – 7pm Bib collection

Running race


8:30am Race start
12:30pm Podium and prize giving

Cycling race


2pm Race start
4pm Podium and prize giving


I decided to go to Paris by car. Remind me not to do it again…I’ll go on foot in future!




It took me two hours to get from Porte de Vincennes to Porte d’Ivry… Next time I’ll take my bike!



Questions about your registration or race day? Contact our team: organisation@35kmduperiph.com